The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

In recent years, the relevant state departments have made new adjustments to the epidemic prevention and control policies. In compliance with national policies and epidemic requirements, various industries are doing their best to resume work and production while taking responsibility for the main body of protection, and actively promote various economic constructions. The Eighth General Assembly and the First Council of the Eighth Council were successfully held on December 23, 2022 in Changsha, Hunan. In order to reduce the travel costs of member units and improve work efficiency, the association organically combined this meeting with the annual meeting of the Non-metallic Mineral Standards Committee and the Friction Material Sub-Technical Committee, and it was successfully held at the same time.The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

With the theme of “green, low-carbon, and sustainable development”, this meeting summarizes the standardization work in 2021, studies and deploys the work plan for the next stage, and commends advanced units and advanced individuals for standardization work in 2021. The unit is responsible for 10 national standards, 27 industry standards and 4 group standards. At the same time, the annual meeting of the Technical Committee of Non-metallic Mineral Products and Products (CSTM/FC03/TC12) of the Standards Committee of China Materials and Testing Group was held.
The main content of this meeting is as follows:
(1) The Eighth General Assembly of China Association of Friction and Sealing Materials and the First Enlarged Meeting of the Eighth Council.
The meeting deliberated and passed six proposals, and the meeting adopted a secret ballot to elect the eighth council members, executive directors, persons in charge and supervisors. Ma Qiongxiu and other 22 comrades were elected as the heads of the eighth council, Zhen Minghui, Wang Ping, and Tao Xianbo were elected as rotating presidents, Shen Bing was elected as the secretary-general, and Wu Yimin was elected as the chairman of the board of supervisors. Shen Bing spoke on behalf of the new team.
Secretary-General Shang Xingchun was entrusted to make a report on the work of the Seventh Council. In the “Work Report of the Seventh Council of China Friction and Sealing Materials Association”, the main work done by the seventh council is summarized. Shang Xingchun believes that the work of the Seventh Board of Directors is in a complicated and difficult period that has never happened in a century. Thanks to the strong support of the members and the active efforts of all the members, the scheduled tasks have been completed and the expected performance has been achieved. Although the association’s work has achieved certain results, there are still many shortcomings. Due to various reasons, in the past few years, there have been fewer training courses, fewer opportunities to conduct on-site investigations at member units, and face-to-face communication with entrepreneurs, and the role of the expert committee has not been played well, and the joint discussion on the development of the industry is not sufficient; Communication and collaboration with downstream users is not enough; it is believed that these issues will be strengthened in the new council.The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

Shen Bing, secretary-general of the new eighth council, said that on behalf of the new team, he would discuss the initial thoughts on the industry development and the key work to be carried out by the council during the next five years. Shen Bing pointed out that in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi has pointed out the direction of progress, and the grand blueprint has been drawn up. The whole industry should actively respond to the great order of the General Secretary at the end of the report, that is: “The party has created great achievements for a century with great struggle. , and will certainly be able to create new great achievements with new great struggles. The whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country must unite closely around the Party Central Committee, remember that empty talk is harmful to the country, and hard work will rejuvenate the country. Forge ahead bravely and work together to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way!” She called on the new council to unite as one, take responsibility bravely, forge ahead, and strive to complete the historical mission entrusted to this council by the entire industry , and strive hard to promote the whole industry to realize the development goals proposed in the “Guiding Opinions on the Development of China’s Friction and Sealing Materials Industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan”! Contribute to the power of the industry to achieve the overall goal of social and economic development and the realization of the second centenary goal.
(2) Annual meeting and standard review meeting of the Friction Material Sub-Technical Committee.
(3) High-Level Technology Innovation and Development Forum.
This conference was held under the circumstance that the epidemic situation was violent and complicated, and the safety prevention and control was relatively difficult. However, all representatives and members of the whole industry actively cooperated and worked together, and the conference successfully achieved the scheduled results.The 8th General Meeting of the CFSMAThe 8th General Meeting of the CFSMA

Post time: Dec-25-2022