reinforce Mineral fiber application in friction materials

reinforce Mineral fiber application in friction materials

reinforce Mineral fiber application in friction materials

Reinforcement materials in friction materials mainly give friction products high mechanical strength, allowing them to withstand the load force exerted by mechanical processing during the production process of friction products as well as the impact force, shear force, and compressive stress generated by braking during use. , to avoid breakage and damage.
The basic requirements of friction materials for reinforced materials include: significant reinforcement effect; good heat resistance; appropriate and stable friction coefficient; moderate hardness; and good process operability. Minerals used as reinforcing materials are usually fibrous minerals, mainly mineral fibers, asbestos fibers, basalt fibers, etc.
Hebang Fiber is a manufacturer specializing in the production of asbestos-free mineral fibers and basalt fibers. The fibers are melted and spun at a high temperature of 1450°C and have good temperature resistance. The length-to-diameter ratio is greater than 30 times and has excellent structural reinforcement.

Post time: Oct-19-2023